Lillooet Entrepreneur Accelerator Program

The Lillooet Entrepreneur Accelerator Program (LEAP) is a mentorship program focused on testing and launching new businesses and social enterprise ideas in the Lillooet area. The program offers a flexible curriculum and 1 on 1 coaching that tailors to the specific needs of each participant and the level of business skills they have.

3 Pillars of LEAP

  1. Local business and corporations
  2. Social enterprise in NFP sector
  3. Youth entrepreneur education


Click the link below to view a LEAP Lunch N Learn presentation created by the Chamber to inform community members about what is being planned and to give space for feedback on what people want to learn.

Lillooet Entrepreneur Accelerator Program – Lunch N Learn Presentation

Watch the video below or check out our Social Enterprise Resources Guide to understand more about social enterprises, including understanding the terminology and how to create one as a business venture.

Entrepreneur Showcase / Business Forum

Spring 2023 – Dates TBA

Join us to learn more about LEAP and meet other business owners and entrepreneurs in the area. Guests at this event will be shown case studies of local businesses and hear from experienced speakers. The public is encouraged to attend.


The curriculum for LEAP is designed so entrepreneurs at any stage of their business or skill level can fit in and get the mentorship required to accelerate the development of their idea or existing business.

  1. Create Your Business Idea (Assessment)
    1. Attend Entrepreneur Showcase Event
    2. Strategy Sessions
    3. Skills Assessment
    4. Skills Training
  2. Planning your Business (Education)
    1. Structures
    2. Social Innovation in Business
    3. Finances
    4. Marketing
    5. Contracts
  3. Starting your Business (Implementation)
    1. Business Planning 101
    2. BC Requirements
    3. Lillooet Requirements
    4. Partnerships/Networking
  4. Excelling at your Business (Accelerate!)
    1. Strategies for Growth


Apply to join the next available cohort of LEAP!

We will contact you when we are ready to launch the program.

How to apply:

Please send us a one-page write-up, along with a short bio and contact information. If you’re feeling inclined send us your LinkedIn profile or website.

Your write-up should include:

  1. A brief description of your business or start-up idea; OR
  2. A brief description of your existing business and how you want it to ‘accelerate’; and
  3. An explanation of what social, environmental or economic issues your business will address in the Lillooet area.

This program is for people who are passionate, action-oriented and committed to seeing their ideas through. Experience is not a requirement; you just need an entrepreneurial spirit. Take the leap and apply.

Send program applications and questions to:

Johannes Bodendorfer at &
Megan Rempel at

Note: Add ‘Application form onto Chamber & HUB websites’


The Lillooet Chamber of Commerce, Lillooet Community Connect Innovation HUB, and Community Futures Sun Country are partnering on this community economic development initiative, funded as part of the Northern Development Initiative through the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District.

LEAP is a re-iteration of a program that began as a rural extension of the Community Economic Development program at SFU. The full Community Economic Development Certificate Program at SFU is a part-time professional program that equips leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks to build local living economies based at the Centre for Sustainable Community Development at SFU.

Community Economic Development at SFU

Launched in 2001, the CED program has refined a theory and practice for transitioning boom and bust economies to local living economies. The approach is multidisciplinary and draws from Indigenomics, place-based economics, social enterprise, social innovation, community organizing, sustainable community development, co-operative economics, and leadership & entrepreneurship studies.

More info on the CED certification: