Every Thursday this November…
Donate to the HUB if you enjoy the lunch n’ learn & want to see more !
November 2nd
LRRIS Laws for Nonprofits – 12:00-1:00pm
Register by emailing the HUB or submitting the form below to get a zoom link:
November 9th
Societies – What does it take to run a society? – 12:00-1:00pm
Upstairs at The HUB
A casual information session on societies and the society act. Learn what a board of directors are responsible for and what it means to run a society.
TENTATIVE – If there is interest. Guest to be announced.
Register by emailing the HUB or submitting the form below:
November 16th
Social Enterprise – Terms of Social Innovation – 12:00-1:00pm
Upstairs at The HUB
Social innovation terminology is being used more by businesses and non-profits. Come to this info session if you have questions about what a social enterprise or social entrepreneur is, learn about doing well by doing good and different types of operating structures.
Register by emailing the HUB or submitting the form below:
November 23rd
LEAP Intro – Lillooet Entrepreneur Accelerator Program – 12:00-1:00pm
Together with The Chamber of Commerce
A new program is in development to support local businesses and entrepreneurs in skill-building and starting new businesses. Come to this info session to learn more about how the program is forming and ask any questions.
Register by emailing the HUB or submitting the form below: