Welcome to the
Community Connect Innovation HUB
Contributing towards a connected, caring, healthy and vibrant community.
Coming up at The HUB: Every month The HUB hosts fun and informative workshops and a wide variety of community events. Find out what’s happening next or click the Subscribe button below to sign up for our newsletter.

The Community Connect Innovation HUB is a project of the Lillooet Learning Communities Society that focuses on connecting people across sectors to bring dreams and ideas into action together.
The HUB is a collaboration between communities, nonprofits, businesses, and local government, it is a safe space open to all members of the community and is combining justice, culture, arts, community economic development and education.
There is a wide variety of programming and projects connected to the Community Connect Innovation HUB. This includes:
Arts Lillooet Workshops
Restorative Justice
Entrepreneur Mentorship
Elder Connect/Better at Home
Local Storefront
Stay up to date by subscribing to the HUB newsletter.

The HUB Store sells art, crafts, clothes, household good, cards, food, treats, gifts and much more at our location on 633 Main Street. All of the products in our store are locally made by members of the community.
The Online Store that was available on this website is no longer in use. For now please just take a look at the ‘online’ store for reference of what is in the physical location!
Get involved with The HUB and help us at the store or organizing art shows and other events. If you are creator, we are encouraging community members to plan events and workshops in HUB spaces.

Art / Crafts / Food
a snapshot of STORE PRODUCTS

Come visit our store at 633 Main Street in Lillooet – right next to the Post Office. We have tons of great local products!
Watch for upcoming events and activities, and come to our shop to see the amazing LOCAL artwork.